Memorial Information

Public Memorial Event Details

What: Celebration of Gerry’s life with live music, stories, finger foods, cash bar
When: September 23rd 2012  1:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: Club Fox (aka Little Fox) 2209 Broadway Street, Redwood City, CA

  • Doors open @ 1pm
  • 1:00 – 2:00 Mingle time
  • 2:00 – 4:00 Artist performances, Open Mic Story Time (YOUR chance to share your GK stories), Other stage events TBD
  • 4:00 – 6:00 Mingle time

PLEASE RSVP BELOW in the comments section, or HERE if you are on Facebook.

25 thoughts on “Memorial Information”

  1. I will be there. He was more than my boss at Liquid, he was a friend and one of the coolest people I’ve ever been priviliged to know. I miss him.

  2. I will be there to remember my old friend, if there is anyone else that was attached to Gerry via Drum & Bugle Corps from So. Cal. going, I am game for car pooling.

    1. Hi Denise…love to talk to you…as Gerry put it..”your brother from another mother”… or 630-712-2112

  3. We, the alumni of The United States Marine Drum & Bulge Corps, “The Commandant’s Own”, would like to express our deepest sympathy to Gerry’s family, friends and follow Marines who served with him. His legacy will continue to live on with us forever.

    Semper Fi, brother!

  4. To the family of Gerry Kearby, my most deepest sympathy for your loss. As an Alumni, I feel sorrow for this loss, even though I did not have the great pleasure of knowing. Semper Fi and RIP Gerry. You will be missed. God be with his family.

  5. I look forward to celebrating Gerry, a wonderful man with a huge heart and that memorable smile. I look forward to sharing loving hugs and special memories with his much adored wife and my close friend Nikki.

  6. wow, i just heard the sad news and hope to make it to the memorial. i not so long ago found my notes from when he came down to santa cruz to talk to me about this “new idea” he had, that of course turned into liquid audio. in those days, it was always a pleasure to find someone else who saw that early potential and i really enjoyed my time on the LA advisory board where i was able to see the idea grow to fruition.

  7. So I met Gerry when Eddie and I started working Rob at Concert Music Design. I had worked for Rob earlier on a part time basis doing wire wrapping of the prototype of the switcher.
    In the process of working for CMD and then Integrated Media Design we did a bunch of different things. One was installing sound systems for businesses with music/paging systems and the other was renting and running sound systems.
    One job in particular was doing the sound for the Holiday Festival at Fort Mason in SF. I think it was for 10 days but we all felt like it went on for weeks. The guys did the set up and I was just in helping with the day to day stuff. That involved operating the background music for the whole hall and also doing stage set up and sound for the music and singing acts on the stage. This was 12 hours a day for 10 days of nothing but Christmas Carols and music on stage. There were bands and choirs all doing one kind of Christmas music or another. Did I mention it was for 12 hours a day? We all got up early to load into Gerry’s VW bus and drive from San Carlos to Fort Mason everyday. The drive to and from the City was fun but it was when we got there that the fun began. The guys all ran the sound board and Bill ran lights and helped me with setting up mics before each act. After a few days we were really tired of standard Christmas Carols so Gerry tried to sneak a few Rock & Roll Christmas songs in. Well the front office didn’t like that so they told him to play the traditional stuff. Gerry mumbled and Grumbled about that so Gerry would wait until the doors closed and then would play the good stuff while we packed up every night. Those days were made better by listening to Gerry’s jokes about the management and stage acts.
    I’ll always remember when they got the job at Eureka bank installing a audio and video studio with full stage set up. There was a 48 track sound board downstairs for the auditorium and stage. When they finished installing the Meyer sound system and the boards were all hooked up of course it had to be tested. One of Gerry’s favorite songs to be played at full volume was Phil Collins (In The Air Tonight). I can’t tell you hoe many times we played that song as loud as we could. Of course Gerry would be playing the drum parts with his hands.
    I remember when Gerry first saw Nikki. She and her sister were opening an aerobics studio a couple of doors down from the shop. I remember Gerry telling everyone that these 2 hot blondes where working in there. Gerry kept an eye on them and when they opened the studio and were seen in tights and leotards that pretty much sealed the deal for Gerry. He was smitten for life and we saw a lot of Nikki at the shop after that.
    That shop also had some epic Christmas and Super Bowl party’s. Gerry loved good friends and good food and they always had both. Speaking of parties, Gerry & Nikki’s wedding was one of the best ever.
    I left after a couple of years (Gerry and I butted heads) but Ed worked with Rob and Gerry all of the way through the Studer buy out. Gerry and Rob had left to start Liquid Audio by then but Ed hung out until the bitter end. Over 20 years from start to finish.
    I didn’t see Gerry and Nikki much over the years but I kept up to date with Rob and Jean and Ed would meet up with Gerry and Doug Dayson to go to cars shows together.
    Gerry’s humor and bright smile will be dearly missed by all.

  8. Although I did not know Gerry very well, from the time I first met him and Nikki (because of my very sick horse – long story, too long to post here) to the last time Gerry and I talked, he seemed like a very kind, thoughtful person. I knew he was working on a new invention which I thought sounded very cool, but other than that, I had no idea he was a genious, was famous, had done so much with his life. I look forward to celebrating Gerry’s life with all the people who loved him. See you all there.

  9. I started working for Gerry and Rob in early ’81. It was supposed to be a short-term job, a couple of months of soldering. Over the next 15 years Gerry was a boss, a friend, a partner, and a big brother. The little storefront electronics lab morphed from a boys clubhouse into a division of an international audio conglomerate, and Gerry was making his mark in the business world.

    Our careers have gone in separate directions since then, but we kept in touch over the years. It’s safe to say that I wouldn’t have the career I have now without Gerry Kearby in my life. It’s hard to believe that we won’t be kicking the tires of any more exotic sports cars on sunny summer days anymore. Speaking of exotic sports cars, the summer of the right-hand drive Alfa Romeo was epic.

    For the record, he became “Gerry” when our office girl thought it looked more professional than “Jerry” on a business card. I don’t need to tell anyone that Gerry had a quick temper and wasn’t shy about making his feelings known. I’ve seen him bring an insurance agent to tears. But I never heard him make a peep about the name change. He was pretty quick to recognize a good idea when he saw it.

    Margo and I will be at the Little Fox to celebrate all things Gerry.

  10. The Memorial was a GREAT event. Incredible job by Nikki, Rob, Jeanne, Adam and all others involved. Wonderful to see so many of the previous ‘gangs’ in the same room. I think he would have been happy about the party.

    Love to all!

  11. I was hired at Liquid Audio as Accounts Payable Specialist. I was shocked to have been asked one night while closing the books, if I’d care for a Margarita, come again? A what? I could believe drinking was allowed on The premises. Wow! I’m in!
    I was a transplant from Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons, Inc. where every wine and proof gallon was accounted for to the BATF. We were fired if caught indulging.
    At Liquid, we had beer bashes, he brought employees together forming a new generational family. We were provided great meals during work overtime, snacks always provided. Liquid Audio ambience was Gerry, he was .com. Gerry took musicians out of the garage and studio and gave their music what no record company could, a chance to be recognized. I get it Gerry! Liquid allowed us a chance to hang down our hair and let the Audio play on. It’s 2020, and memories are the fondest working for you Ger.
    You are missed! Great place to have worked, a lot of nice folks. Thank you for the freedom, keep a beer on ice for me Ger. Until that day Ger, until that day.

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